Our Ethics
It is estimated that in the wild only 7% of butterfly eggs will survive the journey to adulthood.
On the farms we use to supply our specimens, their captive breeding plans result in 70-85% of the butterflies surviving, with them releasing up to 20% of those butterflies into the wild.
Many know that over the last 40 years the amount of virgin rainforest worldwide has been declining at a rather alarming rate. Despite this what many do not know is that 2/3 of the worlds living species are tropical, most likely finding a rainforest as their home. Which is why we will donate a proportion of our profits to rainforest charities.
Despite this a great deal of people may still ask “So why would you be colleting and selling tropical insects and butterflies, which just causes their destruction and extinction?” Where as the reality is far from this, by buying these specimens it may be the best investment you can make in protecting tropical rainforests and their inhabitants.
By you purchasing our products you are making more than just a simple purchase, you are in turn helping to provide financial stability for families in third world countries, who may otherwise have found a job in the deforestation of tropical rainforests. Then by providing for these butterfly and insect farms and conservation projects, you are helping to decrease the rate at which butterfly populations are declining worldwide.
Alongside all of this we will then donate further funding to rainforest conservation projects and charities, in order for us to do our piece in saving butterflies at the same time as protecting rainforests and the animals that call the rainforest their home.
That’s what makes our framed specimens not only a great gift, but an environmentally friendly gift with aims to conserve; butterflies, insects and rainforests across the world.